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  • TA的每日心情
    2013-11-13 14:47
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    发表于 2013-12-5 12:12 |显示全部帖子

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    As a painter I plan to raise awareness for Traumatic Brain Injury to help people like House Representative Gabrielle Gifford, Singer Melody Gardot, and others like myself. It is my wish to help advance organizations of research, outreach and rehabilitation for survivors of traumatic brain injury. I want to help others recover and enjoy life as my community has done for me. Knowing that there are people and places like this for people like me, gave me hope, and a feeling that I am not alone. I am glad you survived and conquered life. You give me hope. God bless you. Kathie Mayer posted a discussionAssistive technology ideas?I am wondering what assistive technology folks may be finding helpful to compensate for their residual brain injury defcits, and to improve their functioning at work and home? I need a device that I can speak into and then print notes/reports from; that will help to keep me on trackthroughout the day; prompt me re: things like remembering to check something in the oven, where I'm parked,to check clothes in the dryer, etc.; help me with making sure I've completed all of the stepsto aSee More
    Puerto Rico also has a $69 billion public debt. Treasury Secretary Melba Acosta said the deficits are being reduced and that the government's priority is to revive the economy. She noted that officials have revamped the island's crumbling pension system, increased water rates and privatized management of Puerto Rico's main international airport. These and other measures are expected to generate some $1.4 billion in new revenue,Burberry Outlet USA|Burberry Scarf/Coats/Bags Outlet Online, Acosta said. "We have taken fast, decisive and unprecedented steps to meet the enormous challenges we inherited," she said. Acosta said the 300 page comprehensive annual financial report was submitted more than four months after its due date because of the financial state of some public agencies. She said the government expects to submit the next report on time in May 2014.
    Little Things Add Up Over Time "Even small amounts of weight the difference between a 120 gram fuel canister and a 250 gram fuel canister can translate into a big difference in exertion when that fuel canister is carried up 2,000 vertical meters," says Haley. All day or multiday adventures amplify each ounce. Don't just consider what you need, consider how much of a given item you are going to use. Comfort Is a Luxury "Every item I bring is something I feel is either important to succeeding or important to staying alive. An item that makes me more comfortable, but isn't critical to success or survival, is left behind," says Haley. Collect as much pre trip data as possible from weather reports to campfire conversation to formulate a checklist. Based on that information, imagine the absolute bare necessity of what you need to be successful and bring that.
    Drake Bringing The Weeknd Drake's been busy bringing his Club Paradise tour around the States this summer, but once the MMVA nominee is finished extolling the virtues of Toronto strip clubs and/or '80s Rick Moranis movies to our Stateside neighbours, he'll return to Toronto for his third annual OVO Festival. Since launching OVO Fest in 2010, Drake has attracted some massive talent to the event. That first year, for instance, boasted appearances from Jay Z and Eminem   and 2011's edition continued the tradition of mega star special guests. Stevie Wonder, Lil Wayne and Nas were among the performers to share the stage with Drake that year.
    An email seeking comment from a PokerStars spokesman was not immediately returned Monday night. The parties signed a contract Dec. 24 for The Rational Group to buy The Atlantic Club for $15 million, by far the lowest price ever paid for a casino in New Jersey. But it also promised to fund a potential $32 million shortfall in the employee pension account were the casino to close or withdraw from a union contract. It also had discussed investing an additional $20 million to $40 million into the property once the deal was completed. Atlantic Club lawyers said it became clear this year that Rational would have a difficult time getting a casino license in New Jersey.

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